Home / Sports / Iran official dismisses US objection to JCPOA stipulation to end arms embargo on Iran

Iran official dismisses US objection to JCPOA stipulation to end arms embargo on Iran

Rezaei made the remarks in an interview with Aljazeera TV on Wednesday night in a reference to the US attempt to extend Iran’s arms embargo in contravention with the context of the JCPOA endorsed by the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 on lifting arms embargo on Iran as of October 18, 2020.

The international arms sanctions on Iran will be over soon and no one would be able to prevent us from our legitimate rights, Rezaei said.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has claimed the US would not allow Iran to buy arms even after the embargo is lifted.

Rezaei condemned certain Arab countries for bowing to the US extortion, rejecting de-escalation and insisting on their hostility to Iran.

Trump administration, which is the world’s largest arms dealer, is concerned about the end of Iran’s arms embargo and tries to claim to be still a participant of Iran nuclear deal so as to be able to somehow extend the embargo on Iran, Rezaei said.  

He said that any impartial observer will confirm that the US attempt in this regard has no legal ground.

Asked about US military threats to Iran, he said, “We have no intention to be the initiator of a war, but, we don't hesitate to defend the security of our country.”

The end of any military conflict the US initiates, will depend on Iran’s decision, Rezaei said.


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