Esmail Baqaei Hamaneh in an address to the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council said that it is source of regret that some governments by targeting the judicial systems of developing countries on the pretext of defending the human rights focus on weakening the rule of law in these countries.
He said that the rule of law beside a just and useful government is the base of promoting human rights and protecting the foundations of freedom.
The Iranian diplomat recalled that no country or group of countries should entitle themselves to dictating their priorities and ideals to others, "According to the principle of independence of taking action, the countries freely choose their government, judicial, legal and economic systems.
He said that the Human Rights Council should take distance from politicization, double-standards, and stereotypes, adding that it is regretting that some governments like Canada, Australia, the UK, Denmark, the US, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Sweden allow themselves and entitle themselves to point the finger of accusation towards others as if they themselves are models of human rights and act in a way that as if no one is aware of their contradictory performance both inside and outside their countries.
The Iranian ambassador reaffirmed that these countries are accused of widespread violation of human rights in the world and implementing unilateral policies against developing countries due to exporting weapons to aggressor countries.
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