Home / Sports / Iran FM warns against countries’ continued unilateral policies amid coronavirus outbreak

Iran FM warns against countries’ continued unilateral policies amid coronavirus outbreak

Zarif who made the remarks on his personal Instagram page, said that this time he is defending not just the borders and interests of his own country, but the humanity and its right to live and stay alive.

These days the world is battling against a common challenge, the foreign minister said.

“In order for the world efforts to yield fruit and in order for the world to return to [normal] life, we have to believe that all the planet Earth is a battlefield and in wherever part of the world we defeat, the entire world will be defeated,” Zarif said.  

The world owes to all the efforts made either in Wuhan or in Tehran, or in Milan, or in Madrid or in New York, he said.

The minister said that the combat against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a human campaign, noting that any disruption of this campaign would be extremely immoral and inhumane.

Iran’s health system, citizens and the governments are grappling with COVID-19 as those in Europe and the US, but what doubles the suffering of the Iranians and limits their choices for crisis management is the coincidence of sanctions and the disease, Zarif said.

Iran is the only country that cannot easily buy its required supplies in the fight against the virus, he added.

He said that the sanctions should not be allowed to lead to a “criminal war” any more.

This is the ugliest image of a government addicted to sanctions which is seeking to revive the failed campaign of maximum pressure against Iran by weakening the country in the face of the coronavirus outbreak, the minister said.


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