The top diplomat told reporters in Iran that every day thousands of cyberattacks are launched against the infrastructure of the country, adding that this is not a new phenomenon, and the attacks are thwarted by defense systems and the reaction teams.
In the past few months, a number of cyberattacks with a broader size have occurred on the country's infrastructure, which has been analyzed and can be said to be supported by the governments, he stated.
Attackers have not achieved their main goals, Mousavi said, adding that technical and electronic forensic studies have been conducted by the Iranian experts.
He further noted that the governments supporting and leading the attacks have been identified.
The volume of committing crimes and acts of violating the international regulations, most of which are launched by the US government, is an alarming issue and the international community should respond appropriately in this regard, he underlined.
Recent fires that happened in Iran have nothing to do with the cyberattacks, the Spokesman reiterated.
With regard to Trump's remarks, it is very natural to put that the main suspect concerning every cyberattack against Iran will be the American government unless proven otherwise, he stated.
Iran will pursue the unlawful and criminal order at the international bodies, he said, adding that Iran also reserves the right to have a legitimate and appropriate response to the aggression and damage of the country to cyber- and non-cyberattacks.
Taking bluff on the assignment of an incident that takes place in Iran by others reflects their desperate, he stated, adding that the limited fire in the woods and refineries in the summertime is neither strange nor unique to this year.
Iran reserves its right to take proper action at the appropriate time, he underscored adding that Iran may utilize any means of cyberspace or other armaments to defend itself.
He pointed out that Iran will make the effort to prove the international responsibility of the country, which initiates or facilitates such attacks.
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