In the letter a copy of which was sent to IRNA office in London, he said that the assassination of Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh comes as continuation of the terrorist acts that began a decade ago with the assassination of several Iranian nuclear scientists in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
He said all these acts of terrorism require proper attention from the international community and related international organizations.
The Islamic Republic of Iran frankly expects the International Atomic Energy Agency to condemn this terrorist act in a transparent and unconditional manner.
Immediately after the first instance of assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist in 2010, the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a letter to the then IAEA director-general, strongly protested the publication of the names of its scientists and experts in the IAEA reports that had been made available to it through related safeguards activities, Gharibabadi said.
The IAEA is strongly expected to end the process of unnecessarily publishing detailed information about Iran's nuclear program in its reports, the Iranian official stressed.
There is clear evidence that the Israeli regime was involved in the terrorist attack, especially since Israeli officials had repeatedly named Dr. Fakhrizadeh and planned to assassinate him several times, he said, noting that such a brutal act of terrorism, like any other act of international terrorism, poses a threat to international peace and security and is contrary to the fundamental principles of international law and the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations as well as fundamental human rights.
Iran believes that adopting a dual standard approach towards countries in the fight against terrorism will not only be unconstructive, but will lead to the failure of the global fight against terrorism, the letter said.
He also demanded the letter be circulated as an IAEA official document.
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