Home / Sports / Iran-China Partnership a defeat to US “maximum pressure” policy: Ex Pak army Chief

Iran-China Partnership a defeat to US “maximum pressure” policy: Ex Pak army Chief

General (retired) Mirza Aslam Beg in an article published in local media on Friday said Iran-China cooperation is defining the contours of the New World Order, which promises interdependence, as key to economic and social progress.

“Indeed, China has succeeded building a financial system that bypasses the US. It is strategic defeat of US and its “maximum pressure” policy. World is witnessing the dawn of a new era under the emerging logic of conflict,” he said.

He noted Iran, brutalized by 40 years of crippling sanctions and embargos has decided to embrace the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), creating shock waves that have changed the Strategic landscape of the region.

“The objective, as defined in the draft is: Two ancient Asian cultures, two partners in the sectors of trade, economy, politics, culture and security, with similar outlook and many mutual bilateral and multilateral interests will consider one another strategic partners,” said the defence analyst. 

General (retd) Beg was of the view that strategic Defense Partnership (SDP), will help develop operational capability of Iranian Armed Forces.

He added China is to invest US$ 120 billion for upgrading Iran’s road infrastructure beginning with 2,300 kilometer road that will link Tehran with Urumqi, already linked with Gwadar under the “New Silk Road”.

“The road link when completed would have an ambitious plan to provide connectivity with whole of Central Asia, and thereafter via Turkey into Europe, a development, that soon may lead to political and economic integration of Eurasia,” he noted.

The expert said major portion of the US$ 280 billion is earmarked for developing Iran’s petrochemical, oil and gas industries which have suffered immensely as a result of US-led economic sanctions.

“There are several strategically important developments; free trade zones in Maku, near Abadan; the proposed tie-up between Gwadar port and Chabahar; the offered interests to China in the Bandar-e-Jask port, 350 km from Chabahar and the duty free zone there,” viewed former army chief.

He said a new geo-strategic Economic Order, comprising China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia is the emerging reality, which beckons Russia to join for easy reach to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea.

General (r) Mirza Aslam Beg in the article suggested Pakistan to take full advantage of Iran-China partnership and must fortify connectivity both with Iran and Afghanistan.

He said Pakistan must complete the Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline, as well as the parallel road and railway lines.

“Upgrade the rail and road network from Quetta to Zahedan and extend and upgrade the road and railways from Quetta and Peshawar to Afghanistan and link-up with Central Asia,” he suggested.

He urged Pakistan to remain mindful of the ‘extreme pressure’ expected from US and its Asian-Pacific partners, trying to save the crumbling American Order.

He added China is the only country in recent decades that has become the world’s second largest economy without resorting to warfare, colonialism or slavery whereas the US has waged unjustified wars and military operations in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries, spending over US$ 6 trillion, causing over 800,000 deaths and displacing tens of millions.


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