As the international arena face abundance of developments, this diplomacy has become more active than ever. Iran and China try to use every leverage and friendship tools to save their relationship.
Facing malign policies by the United States under Donald Trump mingled by coronavirus pandemic, the relationship has been put to test and the two nation, like their brilliant history, have managed to pass through challenges.
A roadmap
Iran and China outlined a 25-year roadmap which was recently ratified in Iran's parliament, making the infrastructure of ties between Tehran and Beijing even more stronger.
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said that advancing bilateral ties and regional and international cooperation with China is a win-win policy for both countries.
Important partners
Iran and China have always been noticed as partners by other countries, especially the US and sometimes considered as two main allies. China is the first trade partner of Iran and the largest buyer of its oil. It is also a participant to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, known as Iran deal.
Despite all objections and hurdles made by the United States, Beijing has always put its weight behind the deal and announced that all problems and challenges the world is facing today have their roots in US withdrawal from the JCPOA.
China intensifies diplomacy to support Iran
Tensions in US-China ties have escalated after their blame exchange over the coronavirus outbreak, so that experts say they're in the worst conditions ever in recent decades.
Beijing has concluded that it cannot ignore its interests and close its door to other countries, because the US would put pressure on China in any condition. As a result, the more tensions between US and China have escalated, the better China's ties with other countries, including Iran, have become.
China's role in IAEA's Board of Governors
China's frequent objection to the US policies in recent days, including opposition to the E3 drafted IAEA resolution, is a sign of its stride towards independence in international sphere.
Beijing sees the JCPOA as the most important document in non-proliferation and believes that Iran shouldn't be under such pressure since it has never violated it.
Officials from China in every level, including its Foreign Minister, UN Ambassador and its representatives in Vienna and Geneva have been supportive of Iran in several occasions in recent days, calling on Europe to act in a responsible way and the US to return to the Iran deal.
China, along with Russia, has also expressed its objection to the US argument that it can invoke snapback in the context of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to extend Iran arms embargo that is due to expire in October, saying that Washington cannot use a resolution it is already in violation of.
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