Munir Ahmed in his article published in ‘Daily Times’ said in these circumstances, the Iran-China deal is being termed as a historic milestone to further strengthen the Chinese influence in the Middle East region and Asia.
He added that President Xi Jinping launched BRI in 2013, that envisions the construction of road and sea connections between China and countries in Southeast Asia, Central Asia and through to Europe.
This is to be achieved with massive investment in infrastructure, including roads, rail, airports, ports, pipelines, and communications. China has committed $ 1.4 trillion to the initiative, which will leverage multiples of private finance to foot the bill for building and servicing the infrastructure. Credit Suisse estimates that China could invest over $ 500 billion into 62 BRI projects by the end of 2021.
Munir said China has signed a $ 400 billion deal with Iran for 25 years just about a week back and the deal is to ensure exchange of a steady supply of oil to fuel China’s growing economy under a sweeping economic and security agreement.
He added the New York Times has termed the deal to deepen China’s influence in the Middle East.
The expert went on to say this deal would be a big dent to the US interests in the region – a deal which is yet to be unfolded by Iran and China to the world.
He added President Biden has offered to resume negotiations with Iran over the 2015 nuclear accord that his predecessor, President Donald J. Trump, abrogated three years after it was signed.
He said China supports Iran's position in the UN Security Council, and both countries have a common demand that the United States should first lift all unilateral sanctions against Iran and then return to the nuclear deal.
Munir Ahmad believes that in the current context of Iranian-Chinese convergence, there is a historic turning point for further strengthening Beijing's influence in the Asia-Middle East region, which is expanding China's market and economy.
He noted the signing of this document will also be a step towards the balance of power in the region and its impact is expected to go beyond the region.
He sees the Iran-China Comprehensive Document as a blow to US regional interests; Given the Corona crisis and US sanctions, the signing of a comprehensive cooperation document with China will have very positive results for Iran, and China will guarantee its access to a secure source of energy.
Director Development Communications Network see US dominance in the region as an obstacle to peace and development and believes that the Iran-China strategic document could be a historic turning point in the Middle East and Asia with global influence Challenge.
The strategic document was signed between the two countries on March 27, during the visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Tehran.
The document dates back to the official visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Tehran, during which the Islamic Republic of Iran and the People's Republic of China issued a statement raising the level of relations between the two countries to "comprehensive strategic partnership."
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