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IAEA: No change in Iran’s level of cooperation with agency

At a meeting of the Board of Governors in Vienna on Monday, Rafael Grossi stated that the Agency would continue to verify the non-diversion of nuclear material declared by Iran within the framework of safeguards agreements.

He also reiterated his claim that the Agency has no access to some places in Iran, saying that Tehran had not properly made clarification on the Agency's questions.

The IAEA Director-General added that the agency has specified questions about the possibility of Iran's undeclared nuclear activities and related materials in three locations that the Islamic Republic has not yet announced.

He claimed that the Agency had attempted to access two sites while Iran had not provided that access and had not participated in substantive discussions to clarify the questions.

Grossi claimed that this had a negative impact on the Agency's ability to resolve these questions and provide credible assurances about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran.

He urged Iran to cooperate promptly and fully with the Agency, including by providing appropriate access to the Agency's desired locations.

The IAEA Director-General also noted Iran's steps to reduce its commitments to the JCPOA, noting that the country announced on January 5 that its nuclear program would no longer be subject to any operational restrictions.

He reiterated that the IAEA has so far witnessed no changes to the manner in which Iran has fulfilled its nuclear obligations under the JCPOA in accordance with the issued declaration, and Iran's level of cooperation in verifying and monitoring it.


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