Home / Sports / Human Rights activist warns of passive policy on Int’l Quds Day

Human Rights activist warns of passive policy on Int’l Quds Day

Shajareh, who is responsible for planning for annual ceremony on International Quds Day in London, UK, made the remarks in an interview with IRNA.

International Quds Day ceremony falling on May 22 this year is the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan to express support for the Palestinian people and their resistance against the Zionist regime of Israel.

At the interview, Shajareh censured certain Islamic organizations and figures for getting close to Zionist groups and keeping silent on Palestine's developments in the past years.

Meanwhile, the human rights activist expressed hope that this year would be a turning point in bringing about justice and supporting International Quds Day and Palestinian nation.

Although International Quds Day rallies have been called off due to the coronavirus pandemic, a new campaign has launched to wave the flag of Palestine from the mosques, Islamic centers, houses and cars and let the photos go viral on the internet to renew allegiance with Imam Komeini movement and show hatred towards the crimes of the Zionist regime, he said.

He added that such a campaign has become popular not only in the UK but also in other world countries which are after justice in Palestine.

So far, more than 100 Islamic bodies and organizations from different world countries including Mozambique, India, US, New Zealand, Finland, South Africa, Malaysia and Indonesia have expressed support for the campaign organized for the ten days to the end of Ramadan, he added.  

Also, a meeting with participation of Christians, Jews, scholars and personalities from all over the world will be held online on May 22 to review the importance of the International Quds Day, Shajareh said.

Despite pressures, International Quds Day rally, in which hundreds of different Muslims and non-Muslims take part, is being held annually in Britain.

 Each year, Islamic countries stage rallies on International Quds Day named by the father of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, in Iran to express support for the Palestinian people.

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