Speaking with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Head of O-Sport association Behrouz Karkhanei said that 1,300 athletes will participate in the event.
The competitions is aimed at promoting O-Sport, tourism and developing Iran's economy, he added.
O-Sport stands for Original Persian Sports and this nickname has been founded and presented to the world of Sport by the family of Manouchehri.
The multi-skilled technical structure of O-Sport is formed of Persian arts and games, such as Dooz, slingshot, Ley ley, Alak Dolak, swimming and struggling of Persian tribes. During a process of deep studies and modernization, these Games have become the industry of sport.
These sports include Aqua O-Sport (the combination of struggling, swimming and passing through the barriers), Artistic O-Sport (The combination of shooting skills, passing through the barriers with acrobatic skills), Mind O-Sport (the combination of Dooz and others), and Combat O-Sport (the combination of self defense, shooting and martial arts skills ). These competitive techniques and disciplines have been named with the benefit of Persian words and ancient names of Iranian cities.
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