In a televised speech late on Saturday, he commented on the US unilateral efforts to reinstate US sanctions against Iran, adding that what is clear is that all members of the Security Council, except the US and one other country, have officially declared that they do not recognize the US action.
One month ago, the US wanted to extend arms embargo against Iran, he said, noting that in Iran, it is wrongly said that the extension of arms embargoes, while Iran is not under embargo; rather it faced restrictions for purchasing weapons, and in order to purchase, it should have obtained permission from the UN Security Council.
Reiterating that arms restrictions will come to an end by the end of October, Zarif said that the Americans introduced a resolution that was later reduced from 35 pages to a four-part resolution. Two countries opposed it and nine countries abstained, so no veto was needed. Thirteen countries have now written to the Security Council opposing the US action.
Noting that the names of the trigger mechanism and snapback used by the Americans have not been mentioned in Resolution 2231, Zarif said it is clear that Pompeo did not read Resolution 2231 and constantly cites Obama and Kerry and says that Obama and Kerry said this while he did not read JCPOA.
As many as 13 countries are opposed to the US approach, Zarif said, adding that snapback mechanism is not the one by which to return sanctions for the sake of a single country. All members of the Security Council, except the US, have either remained silent or said that the US has no place in this room to remain silent or make a comment.
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