"Let’s pray to God for respect and civility in their place
Since those who lack them lose out on His Grace,
It’s not as though it’s just themselves they harm,
They set the world on fire, disrupt the calm," Zarif wrote in his Twitter account on Wednesday.
"Commemorating International Rumi Day, As pertinent today as 800 years ago," he added.
Rumi was born in Balkh in 1207 and died in Konya, Turkey, in 1273 and his tomb (Shrine of Rumi) is located in Konya.
Rumi's tomb in Konya is home to many lovers of poetry and mysticism from all over the world.
Over the next twenty-five years, Rumi's literary output was truly phenomenal. In addition to the Mathnavi, which consists of six books or nearly 25,000 rhyming couplets, he composed some 2500 mystical odes and 1600 quatrains.
Virtually all of the Mathnavi was dictated to his disciple Husam al-Din in the fifteen years before Rumi's death. Molana (meaning 'Our Guide') would recite the verses whenever they came to him - meditating, dancing, singing, walking, eating, by day or night - and Husam al-Din would record them.
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