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European parties to JCPOA reaffirm commitment

"With a view to the upcoming council session on Resolution 2231 this week, France, Germany and the United Kingdom stress their commitment to the full implementation of the Security Council Resolution 2231 and the preservation of the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)," Christoph Heusgen, Germany's representative at the UN said.

The deal was undermined by the US unilateral withdrawal in 2018, and the Europe's delay in delivering its pledged to cover the loss caused by the US renegade.

The JCPOA has been endorsed by the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The deal "contributes to reducing tensions in the region as well as the global nuclear non-proliferation", he said reading a joint statement after the UN Security Council meeting on shooting a US drone over the Iranian territorial waters on Monday evening.

"We are committed to working hard for the full implementation of security council Resolution 2231, and urge all sides to do the same," the German envoy said.

"It is in every one's interest to exercise restraint and avoid any action that would undermine this vital pillar of the non-proliferation and of our collective security," he added.


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