In a message in his telegram account on Friday, he said that Britain is to officially leave EU after 23:00 GMT on 31 January 2020. Withdrawal from EU is one of the main political developments in Britain's contemporary history which will surely leave major impacts on the country's political, economic and social developments as well as those of the EU.
Under the new conditions, Britain will shoulder a major responsibility and that's for the same reason it wants, through promoting economic relations with the world's major countries and free from restrictions imposed by the EU regulations, to prevent the country's economic power decline and to achieve further economic growth.
Pointing to Iran and Britain's experience in post-JCPOA era, Baeidinejad said during the short period, they signed major deals worth of several billion euros including agreement to commission the fifth solar power plant in Iran as well as the agreements with Airbus and Rolls-Royce and other British companies.
All these indicate that enough potential exists to promote economic relations between the two countries, he said.
Baedinejad further noted that opposition to the sanctions is not limited to Iran's borders; rather all private companies in the world has lost their legitimate right to forge economic and trade relations with the Iranian sides.
Big companies in the world and EU which are fed up with the US pressure and bullying expect to see failure of Trump and his policies.
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