Home / Sports / Envoy: No need for UNSC prior permission for Iran’s arms trade

Envoy: No need for UNSC prior permission for Iran’s arms trade

"As of today, Iran's arms trade needs no prior consent from UNSC," Takht Ravanchi said through a Twitter message.

"5 years after Adoption Day of JCPOA—& in accordance with UNSCR 2231—illegal arms restrictions on Iran are now terminated.

"The US tried to prevent this but it failed, as the UNSC rejected all US efforts."

In a related development, Iran's Permanent Mission to the United Nations issued a statement on Sunday noting that 18th October 2020 marks the fifth anniversary of the JCPOA Adoption Day.

From this date and in line with UN Security Council resolution 2231, states are no longer required to seek in advance case-by-case approval by the Security Council to engage in activities described in paragraphs 5 and 6 (b) of Annex B of resolution 2231, which include the supply, sale or transfer of arms or related materiel to and from Iran.

During the last few months, the United States attempted, in violation of resolution 2231, to impose a new arms embargo on Iran to no avail, as the Security Council has rejected illegal US move, the statement stated.


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