In the presence of Mohammad Keshavarzzadeh, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to China, Abbas Ali Vafaee, Iranian Cultural attache in China, former Chinese ambassadors to Iran and a number of Persian language university teachers in Beijing, seven Universities Chinese scholars were honored in this conference.
The conference, hosted by the Cultural Consultation of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in China, in cooperation with the Exchange and International Cooperation Division of Beijing University of International Studies and the Faculty of Middle East Studies, was held by professors of Persian language and Chinese Iranologists, including Li Ling. Peking University Professor, Yuan Wing Qi Professor of Peking University, Li Xian People's University of Beijing, Wen Ye Shiv Professor of the Communication University of Beijing, Jang Hui, Wank E Dan Professor of Beijing University, and Mo Hong Yen Professor of Beijing Foreign Language Studies University was honored.
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