In an interview with IRNA on Friday, Professor Sajjad Bokhari, the Executive Director of the Islamabad Policy Institute (IPI) said the recent US Presidential elections and controversy surrounding its results has shown a clear divide in the American society.
“Expectations are high that the new US administration would pay more focus on domestic affairs so they have very a little time and space to interfere in the matters of other countries of the world,” said the intellectual.
The Pakistani thinker expressing his views said Joe Biden will adopt a more traditional way to refresh the American foreign policy.
“Biden is looking optimistic to resume the policy of multilateralism against the Trump’s unilateralism as he thinks that by doing so the US will be able to restore its losing credibility at the international level,” noted Sajjad Bokhari.
Head of IPI said we expect that the US under new President Biden will return back to the JCPOA.
He added one would hope that Biden will try to re-engage with those US allies who were ignored during Trump’s tenure.
Sajjad Bokhari went on to say the new US president unlike Trump, should try to gain the trust of his allies and pursue all issues through cooperation and diplomacy.
The new White House spokesman in his first press conference after the inauguration of the new US administration said that the Biden administration intends to discuss the issue of Iran's nuclear program and JCPOA with its foreign allies.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly stated that it is willing to resume fulfilling its obligations only if the sanctions are lifted.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during a cabinet session said New White House residents should remove the strains caused by four years lawbreaking, adding that Iran expects those who take power in the US today to return to commitments and international law.
“If they honestly do so, Iran will exercise compliance to all its commitments to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,” Rouhani stressed.
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