Pakistan's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Aisha Farooqui at her weekly news briefing in Islamabad on Thursday said, "We have seen reports about the framework agreement by Israel’s coalition government proposing 'annexation' of the West Bank with grave concern."
“Pakistan is opposed to any move for annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories,” she said.
She added the West Bank and Jordan valley are Palestinian territories, illegally occupied by Israel since 1967.
“Pakistan supports the position adopted by the UN and OIC on the issue of Palestine and calls upon the international community to uphold and support the rights of the Palestinians,” said Farooqui.
She went on to say that "we reiterate our consistent support for the solution of the Palestine issue as enshrined in the relevant Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions".
The spokesperson went on to say Pakistan renews its call for establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous State of Palestine, on the basis of internationally agreed parameters, the pre-1967 borders, and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its Capital.
Earlier Pakistan had also expressed deep concern over the relocation of the US embassy in Jerusalem, saying Washington's action was a clear violation of international law, especially UN Security Council Resolutions.
Pakistan, which has no diplomatic relations with the Zionist regime, repeatedly condemned the inhumane crime during the brutal attacks by Israeli forces on Gaza.
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