Home / Sports / 10k petroglyphs found in northwestern Iran

10k petroglyphs found in northwestern Iran

Iman-Ali Imani said there lies thoudands-year old art in the area, which shows it is one of the oldest human habitats in the world and can help us understand the development of humans thousands of years ago.

He said the number of the discovered petroglyphs is unique in northwestern Iran. It is actually a unique roofless museum that is the best thing to decipher prehistoric times.

He said the picture of the stone belongs to Bronze Age. They show traditions, importance of animals, especially in agriculture, and war.

Meshginshahr is a rich region in terms of paleontology and archeology. Scores of eight-thousand-year-old figurines exist in Shahar Yeri.

Shahar Yeri
Shahar Yeri


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