The informal online meeting of Iran and P4+1 foreign ministers was held on Monday.
Foreign ministers of Iran and P4+1 (the UK, France, Russia, and China plus Germany) in a statement stressed the fact that the UNSCR 2231, remains a key element of the global nuclear non-proliferation architecture and a significant achievement of multilateral diplomacy that contributes to regional and international security.
Zarif'd Twitter thread on today online session is as follows:
At Ministerial Meeting of remaining JCPOA participants, I emphasized:
1. Last chance for E3/EU to save the JCPOA;
2. Iran-EU 2014-2019 trade data proves E3/EU have gravely breached their JCPOA obligations;
3. E3 share the blame with US for irreparable harm to Iranians;
4. JCPOA timetable is inseparable from the accord. Renegotiation is out of question;
5. Our region's crises & arms are mainly imported from US/E3. But we collectively decided to exclude these issues;
6. "Democracies" cannot ask Iran to violate parliamentary legislation;
And last but not least:
7. ALL must return to effective JCPOA compliance. Iran will rapidly reverse remedial measures in response to US unlawful withdrawal—and blatant E3 breaches—when US/E3 perform their duties. The Iranian people MUST feel the effects of sanctions lifting.
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