Speaking on the sidelines of visiting the WHO delegation and the COVID-19 pandemic public health experts' visit to Iran, he said that a comprehensive and coordinated approach is currently being implemented in Iran, especially in the areas of patient management, laboratories, and risk communication.
"We were also impressed by the interaction with other parts of the community, with officials and health workers clearly working very hard and committed to coronavirus outbreak, to control and save lives. The government uses the powerful national health system and disaster management capabilities to respond to this virus outbreak.
"However, further action needs to be taken, based on the evidence-based experiences of China and other countries, we have agreed with national health authorities on capacity building in many priority areas, with useful discussions on ways to collect and improve Epidemiological data analysis that plays a key role in understanding the evolution of the outbreak and taking appropriate measures to control the disease.
"All of us are still learning about this new virus, so we need to closely track its spread quickly, with proven measures for public health, such as early detection, quarantine, and early treatment," he said. Apply tracking of people in contact with patients and information about memories.
Further efforts are needed to protect health workers, and the fight against the coronavirus continues in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and now all people in the country are participating to contain coronavirus epidemic and this crisis, taking proper and timely public health measures at an appropriate scale. Will make a big difference, Richard Brennan added.
"Significant progress has been made in increasing the number of COVID-19 pandemic diagnostic laboratories and now there are more than 30 laboratories nationwide capable of performing this test and at least 20 more will be added."
Meanwhile, WHO representative in Iran Christopher Hamelman said that the World Health Organization is working closely with the Islamic Republic of Iran to coordinate and provide the necessary international support to Iran to fight the outbreak.
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