Wall Street Journal referred to US withdrawal, and said, 'European officials continue to study the ways against the US sanctions and safeguarding European companies vis-a-vis the sanctions.'
According to the report, Europeans are hoping to maintain a flow of money and trade with Iran to maintain a nuclear deal. At the same time, the officials believe that the impact of European actions is not high, and Iran's resilience depends on the aftermath of the second round of Washington sanctions to buy oil from non-European customers.
According to Wall Street Journal, European thinking is that if Iran can withstand the US sanctions by 2020, American voters may choose a president to reverse the current path.
The daily pointed to the withdrawal of some European companies from Iran, and added, 'Europeans led by Germany, Britain and France are looking for ways to maintain financial cooperation with Iran, one of which is establishment of a European financial system independent of the United States. which is still under investigation.'
Another solution that the Europeans are considering is allowing the Iranian banks to open or reactivate their accounts in central European banks.
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