Carlos Antonio Alcala Cordones said that Iran and Venezuela have a 70-year long record of economic, political, and trade relations.
Saying that the relations between the two countries started in 1947, Cordones added that both Tehran and Caracas are against the North American colonial hegemony, which has united the two countries over the past 20 years.
The relations took form when late President Hugo Chavez visited Tehran, he said, adding that the people of Venezuela first fought with the Spanish and the North American colonization.
People of Venezuela are anti-Imperialism, he noted and said that the US is greedy for Venezuela's energy reservoirs, and also because the country has a strategic location.
He said that the huge mineral and oil wealth of Venezuela was previously controlled by North America; they tried to deprive the people of their wealth.
He said that the US is fighting Venezuela as a symbol for Latin Americans, and that to fight with Iran's Islamic Revolution is a role model for the Venezuelans in their fight against imperialism.
He also lauded Iran for being brave and helping the people of Venezuela, saying that the economic improvement of the Venezuelan economy is due to Iran’s aids.
Cordones added that Iran has opened a large supermarket and huge drugstore in Venezuela, adding that several Venezuelan companies intend to invest in Iran.
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