Caleb Maupin said in an interview with IRNA that though President Donald Trump lost the election to Biden, it is clear that he has a lot of fans.
Referring to Trump’s claim about corruption and cheating in the elections, Maupin said this has been always claimed by the two parties.
Dismissing the possibility of vote-rigging, he said that it is a fact that Trump did not do well in fighting COVID-19, adding Trump spent the past four years slamming media outlets.
He added that in 1979 Jimmy Carter was defeated by Ronald Reagan due to bad economic conditions, and that today the economic and political conditions are much worse than then.
He said that despite her violent and bad action as attorney-general of California, Kamala Harris was elected as vice-president because the financial part of Democrats and Hillary Clinton wanted her.
The Democrats also spent a lot to tarnish Bernie Sanders and even accused him of socialism, Maupin said.
He noted that since the very day that the narrow victory was gained by the Democrats, they have been attacking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who is the most popular young Democrat in the House of Representatives.
Answering a question about the Democrats’ accusing Trump to be working with the Russians in 2016 and Trump’s accusing Democrats of corruption in 2020, he said that the 2016 claim was never proved, but Twitter and Facebook let the information and discussions to circulate freely, whereas they now censor the claims about 2020, adding that it looks as if denying the results of the 2020 elections is not permitted.
Caleb Maupin is a widely acclaimed as writer, journalist, and political analyst. He has authored 'Oil and the Global Capitalist Crisis' and ‘The 2016 Elections & the Crisis of American Liberalism’.
The US elections are domineered by the two powerful political parties of Democrats and Republicans, which means the votes do not necessarily confirm the policies of the two parties or even their candidates. The US people did not have another option.
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