He made the remarks in a virtual meeting with the head and members of the Senate Foreign Relations and Immigration Committee on Wednesday when he answered senators' questions on various political and international issues.
He explained Iran's stance regarding the regional developments, JCPOA and Iran's cooperation with IAEA, threats of Zionist regime's nuclear weapons, Yemen crisis, Hormuz Peace Initiative as well as economic damage caused by US unilateral sanctions.
Expressing sympathy with the people and government of Italy over the human loss caused by the outbreak of coronavirus and appreciating the significant progress of the Italian government to contain the humanitarian crisis of the pandemic, he said that Iranian new parliament has convened after general election, calling for cooperation on parliamentary diplomacy.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Bayat described multilateralism and positive and constructive engagement with the international community, negating violence and fighting terrorism, support for peace and stability in cooperation with countries in the region, opposition to occupation and friendly relations with neighbors as the pivots of his country's foreign policy.
Referring to the JCPOA and Iran's compliance to, he criticized Trump's violation of the agreement, saying that Iran must enjoy the benefits envisaged by the nuclear deal.
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