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UNSC ratifies resolution to counter financing terrorism

The UNSC meeting was chaired by French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian ad has gained 15 votes in favor.

The resolution reaffirms its resolution 1373 (2001) and in particular its decisions that all States shall prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts and refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts, including by suppressing recruitment of members of terrorist groups and eliminating the supply of weapons to terrorists.

It also emphasizes its decision in resolution 1373 that all Member States shall criminalize the willful provision or collection, by any means, directly or indirectly, of funds by their nationals or in their territories with the intention that the funds should be used, or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in order to carry out terrorist acts; and its decision in resolution 2178 that all Member States shall establish serious criminal offenses regarding the travel, recruitment, and financing of foreign terrorist fighters.

Meanwhile the resolution strongly urges all States to implement the comprehensive international standards embodied in the revised Forty FATF Recommendations on Combating Money Laundering, and the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation and its interpretive notes.

The UNSC resolution stresses the need for robust implementation of the measures outlined in paragraph 1 of resolution 2368 (2017) and urges all States to participate actively in implementing and updating the ISIL (Daesh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List and to consider including, when submitting new listing requests, individuals and entities involved in the financing of terrorism.


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