In an exclusive interview with IRNA here on Wednesday, S. Venkat Narayan who is the President of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of South Asia (FCC-SA), New Delhi, commented on the content of the speech and manner of the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his American counterpart Donald Trump during at the 73rd UN General Assembly on September 25.
He said: “Mr Rouhani does have a point when he says that the fresh US sanctions on Iran after Washington’s pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal amount to Economic Terrorism. It is my view that the US cannot unilaterally withdraw from a multilateral agreement just like that, that too when other signatories to the Iran Nuclear Deal are honouring it.”
“It seems to me that the US President is behaving like a spoiled billionaire, and not as a responsible President of the world's only hyper power. He tweets/speaks whatever comes to his mind at a given moment without educating himself adequately about the important global issues. This may be alright in business, but definitely not in statecraft,” he added.
Appreciating President Rouhani’s speech at the UN General Assembly, he said: “Mr Rouhani has said in his speech that Iran is ready for fresh negotiations to rework the Nuclear Deal. I believe Trump's allies, assuming that he is left with any, should cajole him to accept the Iranian President's gracious offer and return to the table for fresh negotiations without any further loss of time.”
Advising the US president to behave himself to serve the interests of not only his own countrymen but also those of other nations, the seasoned analyst of the world affairs said: “Trump’s badmouthing North Korea initially and, within months, shaking hands with its President is a classic example of his erratic behaviour. Being a President of the US is very different from running a business. The sooner he realises this, the better it is for his own country and for the world at large.”
Terming Trump’s practices as detrimental to the US’ national interests, S. Venkat Narayan said: “Mr Trump is turning the established diplomatic norms and international practices upside down by disowning the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Paris Climate Pact and several other agreements. His “America First” policies may delight his ill-informed voters, but they will isolate America from the rest of the world. And, I am afraid the damage he is doing to America and America's global stature and image will linger on long after his term ends in the White House.”
On the adverse impact of the Trump’s policies on the situation in the Middle-East, the senior journalist said: “Sir Winston Churchill had once joked saying something like: 'I always knew that the US will do the right thing after exhausting all other possibilities! Since Trump managed to land in the White House, the situation has deteriorated not just in the Middle East but also across the globe in varying degrees. I sincerely hope that sanity returns to the White House sooner than later.”
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