'Islamic Umma can decide independently so that no room will be left for the enemy to penetrate,' said Abdul-Malik al-Houthi in his Eid al-Adha message, according to the al-Masirah TV channel on Monday evening.
Urging the Yemeni people to stay in the battlefield during the eid, Al-Houthi prayed to God for the triumph of his nation over the invading US-backed coalition.
He criticized the Saudi's not to have let the Yemenis attend the Hajj, and hoped that the pilgrims of Hajj will return to their homes intact.
Al-Masirah also reported that President of Supreme Political Council of Yemen Mahdi al-Mashat said in a message, 'The Saudi's goal to protect the Daesh and Al-Qaida terrorists is to dominate Yemen.'
Saying that the enemy intends to bring Yemen to its knees through savagery, al-Mashat added, 'The US is the main supporter of the coalition's invasion of Yemen, and has the final say in the war.'
'The US that had made Abu Ghraib [prison] in Iraq has made some prisons in Yemen too.'
Regarding their native capability in making weaponry, he said that Yemen has the required knowledge to make military equipment.
He also said that the Saudis are misusing the teachings of Islam to sow discord among Muslim countries.
He urged all Muslims to help the Palestinians to resist the Zionists' occupation of their country.
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