The three guarantors of the Astana peace process (Iran, Turkey, and Russia) have started to discuss the Syria peace process via video conference.
President Putin said that the trilateral summit meetings had reduced the level of violence in Syria.
He said that Russia agrees with Iran's assessment for the continuation of cooperation in Syria.
The Russian president added that the level of violence in Syria has dropped significantly and the activities of ISIS and terrorists in Syria have been reduced.
Referring to Russia's intensive cooperation with Turkey regarding the Idlib region, President Putin said that "we are working together to implement the September 2018 Sochi Agreement and its additional protocol dated March 5, 2020".
He stated that the unilateral sanctions imposed on Syria without the approval of the UN Security Council have a negative impact on the situation in Syria. In fact, these sanctions are illegal.
He pointed out that cooperation among Iran, Russia, and Turkey within the framework of the Astana process is stabilizing Syria.
The sixth Astana summit was scheduled to be hosted by Iran, but the coronavirus outbreak delayed the Astana peace summit.
Iran, Russia, and Turkey have a close relationship with each other than Astana Talks that try to solve the Syrian Crisis, which have so far resulted in the defeat of the terrorist groups that were supported by the West and some regional Arab states, considerable decrease in violence, and return of numerous refugees to their homeland.
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