Addressing a meeting with directors playing a role in producing medicines and vaccines late on Tuesday, he added, "We assure the dear people that the scientists, researchers and young specialists of the country are working in knowledge-based and responsible companies with high motivation and round-the-clock to produce coronavirus medicines and vaccines, and the government fully supports these efforts."
Efforts to produce reliable drugs and vaccines to treat and prevent coronavirus do not mean that to be in doubt about full compliance with health protocols, Rouhani said, noting, "Until the time we gain access to the vaccine and medicine for this virus, the exact and complete implementation of health instructions should be on the agenda of all of us."
Referring to the research works conducted to fight coronavirus, the chief executive said that although coronavirus outbreak created problems for the people and the medical staff, it has created an opportunity for scientific research in line with curbing the pandemic virus.
Coronavirus outbreak has created a special condition for the world, Rouhani said, calling for efforts to produce medicine and vaccines for treating and preventing the disease.
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