The United States wants to interfere even in Iranian normal trade relations with a friendly country, President Rouhani said at the cabinet session held in Tehran today.
Iranian oil tankers are involved in docking at Venezuela's port after passing Caribbean Sea from two days ago to help the friendly nation of Venezuela deal with shortage of fuel caused after the US sanctions against the country.
If there were not unity between Iranian government, different branches of power and Armed Forces, the US might be successful in its aggression in Caribbean Sea as it did last year and stopped a tanker carrying Iranian oil in Gibraltar, the president stressed.
Elsewhere, the president talked of the new Iranian Majlis (Parliament) which started work as of today after February 2020 parliamentary elections, saying that the government has duty to stand by Majlis to solve the people's problems as the country currently is fighting coronavirus pandemic and the sanctions.
Further, he said that 800 important projects and plans are to open up to end of the Iranian calendar year on March 20, 2021.
The deadly coronavirus radiating from Wuhan, China, in December 2019 has affected near 5,700,000 people across the world, and killed about 353,000 people; while in Iran the number of the dead exceeded 7,500.
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