Pompeo's speech 'did not delineate a strategy so much as a wish list and a long one at that,' wrote Foreign Policy.
Pompeo on Monday laid out what he called a new strategy to counter Iran’s behavior across the Middle East, in the wake of President Donald Trump’s announcement this month that the United States would no longer implement the Iran nuclear deal.
Foreign Policy wrote that Trump and Pompeo claimed to have a strategy for what they called Iran's threat against the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia, but what is the plan?
'Pompeo said the United States will apply unprecedented financial pressure on the Iran.'The leaders in Tehran will have no doubt about our seriousness.'
'So the entire so-called strategy is a wish list built on a pipe dream — the idea that the Trump administration is going to get the rest of the world to sign on to a sanctions regime as tough or tougher than the one that existed from 2009 to 2012.'
Foreign Policy wrote,' The fact is: The Trump team does not have a plan or a strategy for how to get Iran to do any of the things that the United States rightly wants. And to make matters worse, the White House is less likely to get any of the cooperation it needs from Europe to apply “unprecedented financial pressure” because of how the Trump administration handled the Iran deal in recent months.'
'Understandably, Europe isn’t in the mood to now abandon an accord it claims to want to preserve.'
European reactions to Pompeo’s speech were largely negative; British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called Pompeo’s “jumbo” plan “very difficult.”
The article went on to say that through this Iran speech, the Trump administration once again showed 'its lack of experience'; the speech just 'outlined an entirely unrealistic list of demands both in terms of means and ends.'
Instead of fleshing out a detailed road map behind closed doors with US allies, Pompeo simply cited 12 ways the Iranians are fueling global and regional instability and supporting terrorism, Foreign Policy wrote.
'So, Iran remains a problem, the United States is more isolated and less trusted abroad, and Iran is now able to, at a time of its choosing, turn up the nuclear pressure, because the nuclear accord is on life support. That is not a strategy for success. It is a strategy for disaster.'
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday in a speech to outline what he called Washington's new strategy toward Iran, leveled a series of accusations against the Islamic republic of Iran.
Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted on Monday, 'US diplomacy sham is merely a regression to old habits: imprisoned by delusions & failed policies—dictated by corrupt Special Interest—it repeats the same wrong choices and will thus reap the same ill rewards. Iran, meanwhile, is working with partners for post-US JCPOA solutions.”
On May 8, affronting the UN Security Council, the EU, Britain, Russia, China, Germany, France, and the whole world that have supported the landmark Iran Deal, Trump decided to pull out of accord, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which was the fruit of 12 years of strenuous efforts and talks.
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