Geographical names are rooted in the history and civilization of geographical areas. That is, the interaction of geography and civilization. The name of Persian Gulf is reminiscent of mutual interaction between Iran and the Persian Gulf and their impacts on each other, he said.
No other geography and civilization has had interaction with the Persian Gulf as much as Iran and the Iranian maritime civilization have had, and the name of the Persian Gulf stems from the historical and civilizational interaction between Iran and the Persian Gulf.
Geographically, the Persian Gulf is located at the center of the earth and boasts of major geo-economic and geo-strategic values such as the Strait of Hormuz, the strategic oval of energy and the vast geography of Islamic Iran, which are valuable both in maritime power theory and territorial power theories, the commander said, noting that these capacities attain a special power and value in interaction with the Iranian-Islamic civilization that has been activated, become dynamic and meaningfully independent, as well as stable thanks to the Islamic Revolution.
Historically, Iran has never had as much self-made power and credibility in the sea as it does today, a power that has not been borrowed, he said.
"We give security and credibility to the seas, and we take advantage of its opportunities for peace, collective security, interaction with friends, and confrontation with enemies, and we will put an end to arrogant expansionism. This is a divine promise," Rear Admiral Khanzadi said.
What worries the enemy in this atmosphere is not our military, political and economic power, but it is the ideals of Islamic Iran, which has universal power and attraction thanks to its geopolitical capacities, he said.
"In the wake of oppressive sanctions, we have entered the world with the power of knowledge and thought, and we will astound the world," Rear Admiral Khanzadi said, noting that therefore, the name of the Persian Gulf is worth this region. As the name of the Bay of Pigs befits failure of the Americans and is linked to their humiliation.
The commander further maintained that the Americans bring the regional countries nothing but the second-hand crises that the Islamic Republic of Iran is capable of controlling them! Therefore, wandering in the Persian Gulf and the seas around the Islamic Republic of Iran is forbidden! Imposing undesirable and cruel security arrangements on the region is forbidden!
As long as the United States and its allies are wandering in the region, collective and global security will be meaningless! American security means terror, intimidation, controlled insecurity, and the imposition of proxy wars on the region and the world. The region and the world must be cleansed of the American wanderings and to do that unity, empathy and convergence are needed, he said.
"We are very serious in maintaining collective peace and security in the region and will never allow any external element to make the region insecure," Khanzadi reiterated.
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