Addressing a ceremony to unveil the book "Political Irony; The End of a False Democracy" in Isfahan, he added that each nation is proud of a number of factors in its historical pages and mentions it on various occasions and produces literature about it, and artists perform on it, especially through poetry, music and painting, to make it eternal.
"Throughout history, Iranians have always been known as a peaceful nation whose explicit signs can be found in Iranian literature, including the works of renowned Iranian poets such as Molana Jalaleddin Rumi and Ferdowsi," he said.
Evil phenomena such as terrorism, violence, fundamentalism, expansionism, racism and genocide and the like, are the product of a postmodern human being who seeks his identity in denying others and his existence in the absence of others, Mousavi said.
He said that human beings have in the course of the history sought to pass on their principles to others, adding that lasting peace is contingent upon understanding and achieving common ground.
Peace and security are among the most important prerequisites for human rights, and lacking them will jeopardize other human rights and overshadow civil, political, social and cultural rights, as well as development and the environment, the diplomat said.
The book "Political Irony; The End of a False Democracy" in English and Spanish languages deals with the racist and anti-immigrant policies of the US.
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