Speaking to a group of provincial officials, Larijani said that the recent approval of the US congress is in violation of the JCPOA.
He said that the US officials, who claim Iran does not act according to the spirit of the JCPOA; they have ruined the entirety of the accord.
Larijani went on to say that violation of the JCPOA by the US is against interests of the country. 'If they try to ruin the JCPOA, Iran will speedily make recourse to nuclear conditions more powefully than the pre-JCPOA era.'
He referred to certain propaganda of westerners regarding what they call Iran's intention to form Shiite crescent and said Iran does not seek Imperialism through formation of the crescent and efforts to solve problems of Muslims in Myanmar and helping Hamas reject such a claim.
Well-calculated measure of the Islamic Iran is among its strong points and Iran has had wise conduct in connection with the regional and nuclear issues, concluded Larijani.
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