In an exclusive interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Lieutenant General (Retd) Talat Masood said definitely the visit is a positive development.
“There is no doubt about that any sort of visits by senior people especially the military commanders will be very helpful in bringing solidarity among Muslim countries and between Iran and Pakistan,” he said.
Talat Masood said that the visit of Iranian Commander to Pakistan augers well for Iran and Pakistan relations, and it also shows the desire of both countries to cooperate at military level, because there are many common areas of interest that both countries have to take care of.
“The border between Iran and Pakistan needs to be protected and we have to see that both cooperate to the maximum level so that militants who sometimes cross the border and disturb the peace, drug traffickers and others who have been damaging the interest of the two countries are prevented from doing so,” said the analyst.
He said that at this point of time militaries of Iran and Pakistan need to cooperate as there are lots of pressures on the military and especially the situation in Afghanistan demands that there has to be lot of cooperation in the defense field.
'We have to find a way to bring peace in Afghanistan and cooperation between Iran and Pakistan will be very helpful in this regard,' said Talat Masood.
Expressing his views, the defense analyst said many developments are taking place in the world and the region and of course the visit would help in evolving a common strategy to deal with them.
“However the government in Pakistan is about to change and we are having elections so I think the next government will be in a better position to determine the course of relationship in terms of what they want to do or to what extent they want to influence in the Middle East, but there is no doubt about it that more you cooperate among the Muslim countries and try to stabilize the region the better it is for the people of the region and the people of the two countries,” said Talat Masood.
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