Seeing the ocean of crowd that poured into the street to bid farewell to the beloved General Soleimani, Trump can definitely feel that message better and deeper.
At that time, General Soleimani told Trump, "We are the nation of martyrdom – Imam Hussein's people. We have been through tough things. Come. We are waiting for you."
Now, the passion, vigor and determination of people bidding farewell to their heroes Iran's General Soleimani and Iraq's Abu Mahdi Mohandes make you understand the concept more clearly.
The protests in Iraq that were deviated and pushed toward violence by Baath agents and your other followers in Baghdad tricked you and your advisers in such a way that you thought some of these peoples' attacking Iranian consulate general means that the people of Iraq are hostile to Iran.
But, when your state department posted a video of a less-than-a-hundred-strong crowd dancing at the assassination of the two heroes, millions of Iraqi people took to the streets to say goodbye to their cherished generals.
You have made awful mistakes about the results of your oppressive sanctions on Iran too. Didn't you hear the roar of the crowds in Ahvaz, Mashhad and Tehran? You will definitely hear the same things in Qom and Kerman as well.
Martyr Soleimani once told you, "There is no night that I fail to think about you." Now, we tell you, "YOU started the war, but WE will end it."
Lieutenant-General Soleimani was dear to everyone in the region except for your friends, allies, terrorists, and Takfiris.
His breath scared the life out of terrorists and the wicked. If you ask your own commanders, they will tell you his presence in the region was security for American soldiers too.
You wickedly assassinated the two heroes, while they had provided security for the world. Will the world be safer after the security providers are gone?
Do not imagine that after Lieutenant-General Soleimani, things will go your way. The first outcome hit you yesterday: The Iraqi parliament, despite all the sabotages, passed a law to expel American military staff.
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