This is a historical day that is not related to a single event rather, but rather, during different years, various events have taken place on this day which makes it a historical and influential day in the mind of Iranian history. In a single, though in the course of different years, three fateful events took place that highlighted it throughout the contemporary history of Iran.
The 13th of Aban is known as the day of national struggle against global arrogance which forms the basis of the primary and main origin of thinking and movement of confrontation and conflict with arrogant powers.
On this day the green sprouts of faith grew and Muslim students gathered at the University of Tehran to protest against the Pahlavi regime, and history witnessed their bloodshed unjustly shed; the revolutionary students who rose against oppression were drowned in their own blood by Pahlavid police bullets.
*** The 13th of Aban 1343 (1964) should be considered as the first historic event that was highlighted in the contemporary history of Iran because on this day the agents of the Pahlavi regime with hundreds of commandos along with SAVAK mercenaries attacked the house of Imam Khomeini in Qom and he Arrested and transferred to Tehran and then deported to Turkey by a military plane. This was the beginning of the migration that led to the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution 14 years later.
*** On November 4, 1978, students closed the schools and moved to the University of Tehran to reaffirm their connection to the world with their idol-breaking leader. They gathered with the rest of the people on the lawn of the university. The agents of the Pahlavi regime surrounded the university and by shooting at them, the tulips of the revolution rolled in blood one after another. After this incident, Imam Khomeini who was in Paris gave a message on this occasion and since then this day has been known as Student Day.
*** In 1979, a number of Muslim students in Iranian universities followed Imam Khomeini's anti-arrogance policies and due to the fundamental and pervasive role of the United States in creating unrest in Iran and its repeated conspiracies to overthrow the newly established Islamic Republic. , Occupied the US embassy, which had become a spy nest. This movement of students in the first year after the fall of the Pahlavi government influenced the political changes and events related to the revolution inside and outside the country.
The arrogant regime of the West has made every effort to inflict blows on the Islamic Republic in any way possible, many examples of which can be found during the years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, from war to sanctions. It is observed that in this way it can prepare the ground for the decline and collapse of the Islamic system, but these days and the events that took place in them make the nation stronger day by day in the face of such hostile efforts. That is why now, a day like 13 Aban has become a symbol that teaches the great lesson of arrogance to the people.
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