Mehdi Honardoost in an article published in Urdu daily ‘Nawa-i-waqt’ said those who are victims of war and have faith in the path of dialogue and diplomacy must be vigilant against these dangerous trends.
He said the day of 14 July, 2015 will always be remembered in the history, the day on which, Iran, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, the US and European Union after ten years of hard work were able to sign a land mark nuclear agreement.
“The agreement after getting nod from the United Nations was placed under the UN charter. Thus, on 20 July 2015, the UN Security Council passed the resolution No. 2231 to lift all kinds of sanctions from the Islamic Republic,” he said.
The ambassador added the agreement set a precedent for other countries of the world how to resolve long standing disputes and how to remove dead lock through diplomacy.
Mehdi Honardoost noted since that day, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has launched a thorough surveillance of Iran’s nuclear program and has confirmed in its reports that Iran is fully complying with all the provisions of the agreement.
He said that on 14 July, 2015, Iran emerged as a brave nation and strong power in the world who believes in diplomacy. “However result of the Presidential election in the United States on November 8, 2016 completely changed the direction of the agreement,” he said.
The diplomat was of the view that unfortunately the new administration in the US started pursuing policy of mono-polarism and damaged the interests of the world to protect the economic interest of a small group.
Mehdi Honardoost went on to say that the due to this aggressive approach, the US not only withdrew from land mark Iran nuclear deal, but from Paris climate agreement, Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, UNESCO, UN Human Rights Council and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the illegitimate Zionist regime by relocating its embassy over there.
He said that those countries in the world who believe in peace must counter the American aggressive policies in an effective manner adding the American designs pose a major threat to the world peace and would only promote instability in the world.
The ambassador expressing his views said that the reason behind the US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal is not that the Islamic Republic was not complying with the agreement but the aggressive and dominant policies adopted by an undiplomatic government in the US against Iran. He added the incumbent US government is not aware of Iran’s resilient attitude and its courage to stand with pressures.
Mehdi Honardoost said that flexibility shown by Iran in 2015 nuclear talks based on the guidance of Supreme Leader should be taken as a golden opportunity.
He added that Iranian nation who has successfully fought an imposed war from 1980-1988 and withstood all kinds of sanctions cannot be defeated by putting pressures.
The diplomat said US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal has also an economic perspective. He said that as a result of the nuclear deal when sanctions were lifted from Iran, the country had started doing business with European countries and increased its oil sales which were not acceptable to the US and its allies in the region.
He said that unilateral withdrawal of the US from nuclear deal is arguably the worst policy which has affected the achievements of land mark agreement.
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