Paying a visit to Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP), Kamalvandi said that as a technical organization, AEOI is obliged to fully implement the legal approvals.
He added that AEOI, as a technical entity, fully enforces the law, and the parliament and the government will decide on the additional protocol and cancel its implementation, and AEOI is fully prepared to do so.
Pointing to the status of installing IR-2m centrifuges, he noted that according to the parliament's resolution on the strategic plan for lifting the sanctions at the Natanz nuclear site, we will install 1,000 IR2m machines within three months.
With regard to other parties’ commitments to the JCPOA and the US return to the nuclear deal, the nuclear official highlighted that the Iranian nuclear organization will wait for the decisions of the top Iranian authorities.
"It’s not only the enrichment. We have achieved a lot in the field of radiopharmaceuticals, yellowcake production, and oxygen," the spokesman said.
The senior nuclear official underscored that there are currently 17 kilograms of enriched uranium stockpiles with a 20% purity, adding that capacities in the nuclear industry are not comparable to previous years.
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