The UNGA is held each year to give voice to heads of states to express concerns of their respective governments about major regional or international developments. This is for the same reason that since his first term in office in 2013, President Rouhani has used the chance to attend the annual event each year and express Iran's most important concerns.
Moreover, the UNGA provides the countries with a great chance to hold bilateral and multilateral meetings. Therefore, the Iranian president will use the capacities of the meeting to guard Iran's national and global interests.
President Rouhani is expected to address the 72nd UNGA on some world issues like terrorism, which was discussed by the Iranian President at his past years speeches and also new issues including the genocide of defenseless Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
In the 68th UNGA, which was his first attendance as Iran's president, Rouhani actively attended the meeting and talked about Iran's peaceful nuclear activities. Stressing that Iran's nuclear activities are peaceful, he welcomed negotiations and mutual understanding as the key to resolve discrepancies and played an important role in formation of the Iran Nuclear Deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
After the deal was closed and implemented, the US started to throw the wrenches into it, which has given rise to discontent among the parties of the deal.
Regarding this fact, in the 71st UNGA, President Rouhani said, 'The US is fully aware that JCPOA constitutes a recognized multilateral agreement, and any failure on the part of the United States in implementing it would constitute an international wrongful act and would be objected to by the international community. Any failure in implementing the JCPOA will further erode the credibility of the United States in the world.'
However it is believed that the Iranian President should mention one issue in his speech: After Donald Trump became the president of the United States, who seriously opposes the JCPOA, the implementation of the deal has faced some challenges; he tries his best to upset the deal under any slightest pretext.
Warning the world of the formation and growth of the extremist groups has turned into a fixed part of the Iranian President's speech in the UNGAs.
A short look at the speeches made by President Rouhani in the past years UNGA meetings makes it clear that he has placed great importance to elimination of violence with the purpose of improving peace and security worldwide. Stressing the threat of extremism, he proposed 'World against Violence and Extremism' (WAVE) plan in the 2013 UNGA.
The expansion of violent groups and regimes had Rouhani caution against violence and terrorism. After that the range of terrorism expanded into the US and Europe; the West created a coalition to fight these groups, but, of course, due to preference for political interests over the determined goals, terrorist groups, especially the Daesh (ISIS), continue to live.
Last year, during the escalation of battle against Daesh, President Rouhani mentioned some of the reasons of formation of and people's tendency towards extremist movements and said, 'We won't be able to combat criminal and terrorist networks without genuine democracy and without a real participatory approach at the national and transnational levels …. To uproot violence in the region, there is no choice but to focus on promoting democracy, citizenship rights and economic development.'
It is crystal clear that ceasing to aid and abet the armed Takfiri groups, on the part of troubling-making countries, has an important role in fighting against terrorists.
This year, the Iranian President is expected to talk about the Myanmar violent genocide in the effective international body and its fringe meetings.
Rohingya Muslims' genocide has soared in Myanmar; and the statistics show that 300,000 Muslims have fled to Bangladesh. However, the big powers, global communities, and the UN have made no serious move has against the violence.
What's more, President Rouhani has repeatedly wanted the UN to fulfill its duties and responsibilities in this regard, which will undoubtedly been reflected in his UNGA speech as well.
Translator: Hossein Abolghasemi
Editor: Fatemeh M. Safaei
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