In the letter, the organizations some of whom hold UN consultative status warned the world that the lives of Iranians has put in danger because of the US santions admid the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19.
Earlier, Iran's Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations in New York Majid Takht Ravanchi said US' insistence on imposing sanctions endangers not only Iranians but also the world.
The full text of Iranian NGOs' letter follows:
Dear Secretary-General,
We, the undersigned coalition of 343 Iranian non-governmental and civil society organizations, would like you to kindly use the power vested in your esteemed position to pay special attention to Iran’s situation vis-à-vis the COVID-19 pandemic while the country is under unilaterally imposed sanctions that the United Nations documents also considered illegal1.The United State’s unilateral coercive measures against people of Iran, has put each and every Iranian at a serious risk due to inhumane economic sanctions.
The former UN rapporteur has called the said unilateral coercive measures, an economic war against Iran2. Today, in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic response, the Iranian population should fight the virus with empty hands. Since the inauguration of Donald Trump, President of the US, we have witnessed a range of ever-increasing coercive measures including economic, financial, technical and even humanitarian sanctions on Iran; measures that despite being called illegal by the UN, continue in effect endangering more lives while the UN and the international community has not taken any effective measures to rescue Iranian lives which have become more vulnerable under the sanctions.
The Iranian population now requires practical steps taken by the international community as well as a more decisive role on the part of the UN. The undersigned believe that such coercive measures are a new form of war that is emerging in international relations; therefore, unilaterally sanctioned countries such as the Islamic Republic of Iran should benefit from the protection of international humanitarian laws.
COVID-19 pandemic once again reminded everyone that in a global village no single country can resort to abusive unilateralist behavior to isolate itself at the time of epidemic events and crises.
The world is now faced with two crises that have both stemmed from political unilateralism. Firstly, refugee crisis that in the past decade has demonstrated that local and regional conflicts cannot remain local and regional while other parts of the world stay safe from direct or indirect effects of the said conflicts. Secondly, the spread of COVID-19 from east Asia that has now contaminated most countries in the world.
Dear Secretary-General,
Amidst COVID-19 response, continued unilateral and inhumane sanctions against Iran claims more and more lives every day. Iranian physicians, nurses, health experts and health works keep losing their life to lack of medical, hygienic and pharmaceutical equipment. This pandemic disease has likewise seriously endangered domestic economy and production – a negative effect that presses the vulnerable social groups even harder. The government of Iran does not have any possibility to absorb funds to purchase required goods to provide an effective response to the said medical crisis and its economic aftermath, this would create a vicious cycle that could inadvertently strengthen the crisis at hand. We, the undersigned, believe that timely international efforts to lessen or lift the all-encompassing unilaterally imposed sanctions on Iran will stop a humanitarian crises from breaking out in near future.
Thank you very much in advance for your attention and prompt action.
2- Iran NGOs of Environment and National Resources Network
3- National Network of Iranian Deaf NGOs
4- Iran cancer national network of NGO
5- The National Iranian Network of Physical-Mobility Disabilities NGOs
6- Promotion network of sustainable Development
7- Environmental and Natural Resources network of Fars Province,Iran
8- Disability association of Tavana
9- Family Health Association of Iran 10- Institute for womens Studies & Research
11- Farasooye Taaly Institute
12- Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
13- Ra’ad Rehabilitation Goodwill Complex
14- Peivande Gole Narges Organization
16- Zanjireh Omid International Charity Institute
17- Iran autism association
18- Abshar Atefeha International Charity Foundation
19- The Association for Protection of Refugee Women and Children (HAMI)
20- The lovers of association nature and the enviroment of marz
21- Mafakher Feizollahbeigy Cultural & Social Association
22- Iran - Portugal Friendship association
23- Omid Kariman White Cane Charity
24- Blue Circle Diabetes Association
25- Khane mosharekat mardom dar salamat ostan qazvin
26- Iran kurdestan state down syndrom charity center
27- Can The Righeanme ntal Health Association
28- Institute of benefic ladies
29- zhin mental Health Institute
30- Qazvin Minoodar mental Health Institute
31- Parzhin 32- Tadbir farhangian fars
33- People's organization for the protection of my family sarakhs
34- Anjoman hamyar javanan roostaei
35- Hemayatgaran tose'e karafarin hegmataneh
36- Sferan ones ostan mazndran
38- Moaseseye paradise banevane til
39- Green Kurdistan’s Population
40- Al-hosna charity
41- The Imam Rezais Benevolent Society
42- khorshide mohabbat
43- Toloo Bineshanha Society
44- Sayedalmorsalin zahedan
45- Raman Kurdistan Community Mental Health Support Population
46- Unique Yeganeh Khorasan Shomali
47- Charity jiroft maktab zahra
48- Anjoman kocholohaye irani
49- Hamyaran salamat Sanyar NGO
50- Tashakol mardom nahad ehda ozv freshte mandegar fateme
52- ANGoman shmc zahdan
53- Asoy zhyar saheb
54- kurdistan ms org
55- Avaye salamate farda
56- hami sistan ta makoran
57- Aramsh faraday sistan
58- Moseseh kheryiye meraj emam hasan mojtaba
59- Tour guide society papurvan sna
60- People 's lnstitute of Beautiful Spring Life
61- Environmental Organization of Alamut Yar
62- BeTavane Zan NGO
63- Anjoman hemayat az zanane asib dide ejtemaei nasime mehrabanie kurdestan
64- Hamdellan Garosse Bijar
65- Comperehensive ngo center for empowerinig women and families
66- International union of women followers of montheistic religions
67- Angoman peshgere az aseeb ejtmaee rhpoean dear kordstan
68- Kodakan BozorgAndish AsemanKordestan Impoerment and Creativity Institue
69- NGO: Rahjooyan omid javan
70- The permanent calling center of the people of Sanandaj
71- Successful family lovers association
72- Tapesh institute
73- UNESCO chair on social Health and Development
74- Moassayh hanagamayh marafat
75- Naeimabad ngo
76- Tvalode dobara jiroot
77- Kerman charitable society for student of exceptional student
78- Iran-Germany Friendship Association
79- Mehr pouyan sabze andisheh
80- Alanan Alatin
81- Safiran salamati shirazis
82- Anjoman Pasbanan Tabiat Aghtae
84- Rahe madreseh
85- Yaas charity
86- Bahrasman
87- Kimia the art of shining stars
88- Entrepreneur and empowered women's social center of Anar city
89- Sayyid al-Shohada Charity and Cultural Foundation
91- Kheyriyeh EMAM SAJ AD of kouhbanan
92- Deaf Sirjan
93- Golshan Nour charity center
94- Mehravid kariman charity
95- Institute of Green Stars of Nature
96- Shamim -mehre -diar -kriman
97- Khirie-emam-ali
98- Monadian rahe hejrat charity institute
99- Sirjan Sweepers Community
100- Yaddashti baraye farda
101- Kashaneh omid
102- Nobavaran javan bam
103- Kanoone pishgiri az asibhaye ejtemaiye zanjirehay mohabbat
104- BotiyaAndishmandkavir
105- Asre basharat
106- Anjoman dogholoha va chand gholohaye ghalbhaye hamsan kerman
107- Parizkuh Environment Keepers Society
108- Moaseseh Aftabe Rahmate keriman jonoob
109- Sirjan charitable women association
110- Jamiat tolloo bi neshanhaye kariman
111- Iranian Diabetes Society
112- Iran Spain Friendship Society
113- Doustdaran tamadon kohan sabzevaran
114- Mehrvarzaan good growth sabzevaraan
115- Chemah kouhbanan
116- Al-Zahra Charity
117- Kerman provincial Thought and Development Association
118- Moasese kheyriyeh hazrate zeinab
119- Association of Osvara Sacrifice Kerman Province
121- Kidney Disease Association of kerman province
122- Morning&sport org Kerman
123- Congress 60 Human Revivification Society
124- Association of Mazandaran Mehrvarzan Zamin Pak
125- Pishgaman naji hate hayvanat
126- Javanehaye omid o andisheh
127- hoghoogh pajoohane ghanoon madare esfahan
128- Tushe_mohabat_hasti
129- Javananzhihatkurdestan
130- Langaroud environmentalists society
131- Iranian Scientific Society of Medical Entomology
132- Roshanaye Omid Charity Foundation
134- Yas navi non governmental organization
135- Homay-e Sabz of Maraghe Environal Organization
136- Nasimedanesh
137- Shokoofa Institute of Cultivating Children's Talent
138- Mental Health society of Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari Province - Saman city
139- baharafarinshargh
140- astaneh.arak.kanoon.farhang.abrisham
141- Mohkam charity institute
142- Citizenship Rights and Cultural Development Association of Alborz Province
143- Shahrvandan ayandesazan kavir
144- Kolbeh banuvan
145- Rahenoandishe shahrekord
146- Azein meher nargs
147- Foundation of Emdadgaran. Ashora Kermanshah
148- Iran Japan Friendship Association
149- Anjoman taghzeieh salem deyare eshgh
150- International Ava Ye Ecran Co
151- Iran rescue center
152- Toluemehrago
153- International Association of Muslim University Professors
154- Iran-France friendship association
155- Nama would organisation
156- Tabriz Teater Graduates Society
157- Nature Conservancy and Cleaners Association of Eghlid City
158- Iran-Italy-friendship Association
159- Divar hamdeli ehsan
160- Silk marine route
161- Iranian Elite Society
162- Barane mehre autism guilan charity
163- Zanane payame hagh institute
164- Kanonsabzetamisheh
165- Beheshtabotorab
166- Rah avaran salamt javan naved lordegan
167- Iranian society of notrition
168- Kolbeasemani
169- People's Association of Prospective Athletes
170- National Association entrepreneur
171- Woman entrepreneur managment
172- Nimroozonline
173- Iran&Cyprus friendship association
174- talashgaranesalamat
175- Havraz
176- Anjoman taghzeh salem shahrood
177- Anjmnnojiankhotahkhdanastankhstan
178- Iran Lupus association
179- Omidsabzben
180- Nature's rosy bloom
181- Guild of Qazvin Wellbeing Counseling and Psychological Association
182- Iran-India Friendship Association
183- Friendship Association iran&cameroon
184- Sacrificers ( ISARGARAN ) house of Public Participation.
185- Asanak Movies and Thoughts
186- kazive zhian
187- Moheban hzrat ali ebn abotaleb a
188- Tashakol banovan khalagh asouran
189- Rashad zhiyan
190- Peyvand mana
191- Himo institute
192- Green Life Association
193- Pezhwak ayeneh wandad
194- Ofogh 195- tirazis.pad.pars
196- Royesh babar zendegi javan
197- Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari Province People's Association of Lordegan Environment and Natural Resources Association
198- Sazeman mardom nahad banavan kosar
199- Howryani Sroshti Neshtman
200- Zhiari zanaii nishteman
201- @sedaye.charkhabe.dashtestan
202- Development of sustainable green space in Sari city
203- Hafezan miras kavir ardestan
204- Salamat Charity in Kurdestan
205- Rahenoandishe shahrekord
206- Rapooyan salamt
207- Zagros Pak Borujen Community Centered Team
208- Avay mehr miankooh
209- poyandeganr shahre ideal
210- Hamoon iran Association
211- Kurdistan Alzheimer's association
212- Poyandeganr shahre ideal
213- Rahpoyan Salamat
214- Anjoman taghzeieh Salem deyare eshgh
215- Kajavan
216- Njo mehrvarzan kodak khalijfars
217- Jhiani nwe Social Injury Prevention Association
218- Pazhooheshgaran Bikaran Hasti Institute
219- Anjoman taghzeieh Salem deyare eshgh 220- Association of Environmental Hazards and Sustainable Development of Andishesazan Ofogh Iranian
221- Kurdistan's thalassemia non-government organization
222- National Foundation kavosh
223- Iranian Society of Organ Donation
224- Kudakane Behesht charity association for supporting children with special needs (intelectual and physical impair)
225- Mahrandishkangan
226- Institution of naysar Local Development and Facilitation
227- Gabric Diabetes Education Association
228- Emdadgaran ashora
229- one Asia
230- Iranian Cooperators House
232- Hami Shayesteh Gilane Ma
233- Cancer Patients Support Association pezhvak taher
234- Institue forSuport andProtect Kurdish Girls and Women
235- Against Hunger Charity
236- Salamat charity
237- Persian Twins & Twins Association
238- Alhojat Charity
239- Alamut environment and national resources asist group
240- NGO banovan talashgar sharghl
241- Khayerin Maskan saz ostan busher
242- Tolooe Aftabe Sorine CHoram
243- Lorestan Sustainable tourism association
244- Isfahan society of epilepsy
245- Mohager negat bakhsh zendegi khorasan shomale
246- toloe aftab salamat
247- Moheban hzrat ali ebn abotaleb
248- Simurgh premier vision association
249- Emtedad Andishe
250- Safe Community Association
251- Environmental institute of Rahimabad, Asemanrood
252- Yavarane homaye rahmat
253- People's Association of Young Helper Clean Sports
254- Anjamanhamiyan Mohitzest Mongasht
255- Nature Cleaners community of Gilan province
256- SupporterSsocietyofNatureandEnvironmeneofHamidleh
257- Talayedarandanesh
258- Mehrafarinan Rahian salamat
259- Omid charity
260- Yazd smartcity NGO
261- Shahrvand hamyar ghoomes NGO
262- Hameyan raheh roshane lorestan
263- Navid dansh bahmaie
264- Ehyagaran Tanafose Pake Zamin
265- Persian beautiful plains tourists 266- ENIMROOZESISTANIHA Foundation
267- Payan kartonkhabi
268- Taranomeandishejavanefarda
269- Safir_charitablle
270- Emdad garan ashora
271- Intellectual women societygalikesh
272- Modiran mofagh farda majma
273- Chavoshan salamat e parseh
274- Jamiat hamyaran salamet ravan ajtamay darda. ashinas
275- Hampadi community
276- Sarayetoloueomud
277- Khozestan pioneer science and technology association 278- Iranian Society Revival Hearing NGO
279- Farhang gostaran dadafarin fars 280- Puyesh institute
281- Semirom green messengers
282- The center of psychology depth of peace
283- Moj mehrbani Charitable Foundation
284- Association of natural nutrition & Vegetarianism Of Easste Azerbaijan
285- Jameeyate hamyarane ostane sabz
286- Mandegaran charity
287- Arvand Borna
288- velayat harim khademan charity
289- Human society for mental health
290- Barbad ngo
291- Safiran tandorosti kalate
292- Guilan Virtual Media Development Association
293- Arya foundation for history, culture & civilization
294- Baran mehr khazar
295- Moasseh mehre khanevade yasuj
296- Pars managers
297- Andishe rasa mehr fars
298- Mental Health Support Institute The rain of life golestan
299- Ghasdk omid va neshat
300- InibKhouzestan strategy accommodation and prevention
301- Mehr vatan
302- Bachehayetaghat
303- Khuzestan Green Plain Watch Association
304- Ngo Zakerinvahi
305- Noor canser charity ngo
306- Innovators and Technologists Center
307- Shanim Yazdan Pak
308- Iranian Society of Disabled persons
309- Yaran Amol sustainable development Association
311- Simare Dareh Shahr Environmental Assistance Group
312- Water and Environment of Zagros
313- Gol beaute omid charity
314- NGO behesht farvardin
315- Supporters of West Zagros Economic Development
316- Farhikhteh Empowerment Institute
317- International Family Sport Group
318- astaneh.arak.anoon ..farhang.abrjsha
319- Association short stature iranian
320- Iran ms socitey
321- Iranian Hemophilia Soceity
322- Yaran Charity Association of Jaame
323- Mehrkhanevade
325- Maedehasemani_kheyrie
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