In what follows you can find excerpts of the interview with Vice-Admiral Shamkhani and his views on the US withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Iran regional polices, presence of Iran's military advisors in Iraq and Syria, relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to al Quds (Jerusalem) as well as the outcome of Palestinians' March of Return.
'Generally, the three pretexts used by the United States to pull itself out of the Iran Deal, [i.e. lack of deterrent mechanisms pertaining to Iran's defensive missile program, the need for reviewing Iran's regional policies and insufficiency of commitments stipulated in the Iran Deal] all are components of Iran's power;
'The growing attempts by the rival or antagonist countries to even restrict further these three components of Iran's power demonstrate that the country has been successful to gain power by capitalizing on these elements;
'The reality is that the Iran Deal, commonly known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and Resolution 2231 are international documents verifying peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear activities;
'In fact, the United States and its allies must explain why they are swimming against the current of the international laws;
'The negative approach by some countries [towards Iran] is not because of [alleged] threatening nature of Iran's nuclear and missile activities and its regional role, but because of their opposition towards the country's increasing power;
'They supplied former Iraqi dictator Saddam with conventional and unconventional weaponries during eight years of an imposing war against Iran and at the same time by putting Iran under an arms embargo denied the people in the country of a natural right to defend itself;
'Now, do they have the right to prevent us from using an indigenous technical know-how we have acquired to produce what we need to defend ourselves?;
'Certainly, regional policies adopted by Iran are in line with the country's domestic policies and they are based on increasing the value of security coefficient and meeting fundamental interests and values of the establishment;
'The secret behind success of Iran's regional policies is its support for the nations in the region in their bid to reject hegemonies and try to decide their own fate;
'Sure enough, the US security forces present in Iraq under the cover of diplomats is incomparable to the limited number of Iranian diplomats in Baghdad and compared to the enormous amount of money Saudi Arabia is spending in the country, aids provided to Iraq by Iran tends to be very scanty;
'Formation of an inclusive, powerful, efficient and independent government in Iraq is the urgent need for Iraq to kick-start its journey towards development and progress in the post-Daesh (ISIS) era.
'Iran like the past will help Iraq realize the important goal and it will spare no advisory aid in this regard;
'I congratulate to the Syrian people, government and armed forces on their recent invaluable victories against terrorists;
'Iran was engaged in Syria after an official request by Damascus to help the country in its fight against terrorists;
'Iran maintains a limited presence in Syria and the victories have been achieved in the country mainly by the Resistance Axis and they are specially the result of the efforts by the Syrian resistant people who have also worked towards annihilations of terrorism in the country;
'The Islamic Republic of Iran considers security in Syria as equal to its own security and that is why preserving stability in Syria is an achievement for Iran as well;
'Unlike the illegitimate presence by the US and other regional states in Syria, Iran's presence in the country is not out of imposition and an illegal aggression;
'Iranian advisors are standing by the Syrian forces in the same trench, closely cooperating with them in conducting operations against terrorist groups and operations launched to save people;
'Terrorism is not the sole problem in Syria. The main issue in Syria is the country's stance and role in future developments of the region;
'When Syria in power, all those taking advantage from insecurity in the nation will be damaged;
'Iran, in line with its national interests and in a bid to help maintain security in Syria, will play a role in the country;
'Syrian missile response to incursions of the Zionist regime in the Golan Heights is source of pride for the Arab and Islamic worlds. It has a clear message that the era of 'hit and run' attacks has ended and that the Zionist regime of Israel should be held responsible for its behavior. Such an authority and power are certainly achievements of the Resistance Axis that have established a new balance of power in the region.
'Over the past years Iran has been trying to send a message to the Palestinian leaders that it is not possible to quench the lunatic thirst of the Israeli regime for expansionism and aggressions just through engaging in talks with the United States and giving in to demands of Tel Aviv;
'Iran is closely and carefully monitoring recent developments in the region and it believes that the US' unwise decision [to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to holy city of al Quds] will result in more unity among the world Muslims and will bring together all Palestinian groups;
'All the groups affiliated with the Resistance movement now have a single common stance that by trying to reach a compromise with the Israelis they will go nowhere;
'For the same reason, the courageous people of Palestine never waited for the compromise talks and others to decide and [by staging the March of Return demonstrations] moved to defend the Holy Quds and the Palestinian cause.'
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