The second meeting of Iran-Russia Cooperation Group on Communications and Information Technology was held online on Thursday.
During the online meeting, Iran's official expressed Iran's interest in cooperation in the fields of artificial intelligence, e-government, smart city, and the development of modern businesses with Russia.
Referring to the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, Fattahi said that this pandemic has made the cooperation of countries in the field of communications and information technology a necessity more than before.
Pointing to Iran-Russia's growing relations, he reiterated that the ministries of both sides and the Ministers of Iran and Russia had several meetings in this area that the most important consequences of these meetings were held of the quadrilateral meeting among Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.
He noted that two documents related to the field of communications and information and space technology were signed by the parties in the first meeting.
Referring to Russia's capacities and capabilities in the field of communications and information technology, Parshin said that Russia can share these experiences with Iran in the fields of electronic governance and smart cities.
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