He made the remarks in a videoconference with education ministers of ISESCO member states dubbed 'Educational Systems in Face of Crises and Emergencies (COVID-19)' on Thursday.
The virtual meeting held to deal with the challenges faced by the member states and find basic solutions for the educational problems was attended by ministers from 50 countries, as well as a number of international organizations.
"ISESCO as the international educational and cultural institution of Muslim countries should take stance against cruel sanctions," Haj-Mirzaei said, noting that the entity plays a crucial role in sharing experiences and executing coordinated international measures to counter coronavirus.
Following the spread of coronavirus, Iran, in its first attempt to prevent cessation of education, immediately began broadcasting live televised educational programs as the most accessible media tool for all courses and educational bases for 13 hours a day, immediately after the closure of schools, he said.
"In parallel with this move, we created the necessary infrastructure to create a national educational platform called 'Shad', which is an interaction platform that is currently providing services for free and is the largest educational application in our country," he said.
Haj-Mirzaei, also chairman of Supreme Council of the ISESCO National Commission, voiced readiness to share the country's educational experiences with ISESCO member states.
Iran has always been a member of the entity and is committed to keep up the communications, he said.
"Our demand is that ISESCO, as an international educational and cultural institution of Muslim countries, take a stance against these oppressive sanctions and not allow education, which is an inalienable human right, to be disrupted in the Islamic Republic of Iran as a founding member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation," Iranian education minister said.
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