Jahanpour twitted on his Twitter account on Friday that the Islamic Republic is using Russian Sputnik V, Indian CoVaccine and Chinese Sinopharm now and that the AstraZeneca vaccine purchased from South Korea will be utilized in the near future.
An allegation that some people, including traffic wardens, have been vaccinated by a vaccine jointly produced by Iran’s Pasteur Institute and Cuba’s Finlay Vaccine Institute, is completely baseless.
He also wrote that the mass vaccination of 30,000 traffic wardens has been praised by Lebanese internet users, who criticized their government for vaccinating lawmakers and ministers in the first place.
On March 11, 2021, Jahanpour announced that a shipment of 100,000 doses of Soberana-02 has been imported into Iran to be used for implementation of the third clinical trial.
The third phase of the clinical trial of the Cuba-Iran vaccine is going to be conducted in both countries simultaneously.
Cuba's Finlay Vaccine Institute and Pasteur Institute of Iran signed an agreement earlier this year to simultaneously implement the third phase of human trials for the vaccine.
Cuban scientists are working simultaneously on four COVID-19 vaccines, named Soberana-01, Soberana-02, Mambisa and Abdala.
Mexico has also started talks with Cuban government to take part in clinical trials and production of the vaccine.
The Cuban government has optimistically predicted production of 100 million doses of Soberana-02 vaccine by the end of 2021.
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