Expressing his views at a Round Table on “Iranian Perspective on Iran-Pakistan Relations and Regional Security” organized by the Centre for International Strategic Studies (CISS) in Islamabad, Dr Sadollah Zarei said that regional countries are fully capable to solve their problems without the help of any external force.
The scholar went on to say that all countries of the region should enhance their cooperation to improve security in the area.
He noted that western powers have failed to honor their commitments regarding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
The analyst said that Iran and Pakistan had different positions over Afghan issue in the past when Pakistan was supporting Taliban while Iran stood otherwise. Now, both countries are standing together over this issue and believe that Afghan crises can only be resolve through dialogue and by finding political solution Afghans themselves.
He was of the view that Pakistan has never remained part of any alliance which is against Muslims.
Dr Zarei added that Pakistan and Iran both are (were) facing aggression coming from western countries because both countries stand for their sovereignty and for the larger interests of the Muslim World.
He said that Iran is playing an important role for stability in the region. He noted that Daesh has been defeated in Syria and Iraq with the support of Iran.
Dr Zarei stated that the Afghan issue must be dealt through regional initiatives and dialogue because use of power has (had) failed to get results rather aggravated the satiation in Afghanistan. “The approach of 'Regional integration' is the need of the day to resolve Afghan civil war,' said Dr. Zarei.
“Pakistan has a special status among Iranians and Iran has never undermined Pakistani interests whenever a diplomatic situation arose at regional or global level,” maintained Dr. Sadollah Zarei.
He said Chabahar Port of Iran is not competitor of Gwadar Port of Pakistan rather both ports can be integrated into China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project and can get benefit from each other.
“Pakistan should guard interests of its neighbors while planning CPEC and other trans-regional projects,' said the analyst.
Dr. Zarei said that there was dire need for people-to-people contact between Iran and Pakistan, and appreciated Centre for International Strategic Studies (CISS) for providing a chance to share his thoughts with Pakistani researchers, regional experts and diplomats.
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