'It is not a difficult task to produce a more substantive and yet less erroneous report compared to the one we considered today for some of the countries who took the floor in support of this mandate and those who will vote yes to the subsequent resolution that will be shortly be presented by one of the self-proclaimed champions of human rights,' Mohammad Hossninejad Pirkouhi said on Thursday.
He reiterated that complacency and arrogance often lead to loss of reasoning and good judgment.
'Take the US for instance which seems suffering from historical amnesia. Perhaps some key words would help them to recall parts of the very recent history: Sadistic and blatant abuses of prisoners / torture, kidnapping, preemptive attacks, regime change, mass scale espionage, false and fabricated intelligence, mind boggling lies, unilateralism and preemption,' Hossninejad Pirkouhi said.
He went on to say that who can also forget their unconditional support to the crimes committed by 'the last apartheid regime of the world, Israel'.
Hossninejad Pirkouhi said let’s take another one, Saudi Arabia, adding, 'If only one reason was needed to prove how debased third committee has become to consider country specific situation the Saudi intervention provides that. '
He said that Saudi, a bad child killer that has recently upgraded to a good child killer kills more children in Yemen than Al-Qaeda, Daesh (ISIS) and Nusrah put together around the globe.
'However, spending billions of dollars buying beautiful arms and western public relation corporations cannot hide the real face of Saudi, whose money also fuels sectarianism in the Persian Gulf, Middle East and the world. Similarities of the atrocities committed by the ISIS and Saudis like beheading or crucifixion are not accidental. They are rooted in a common ideology and worldview that considers the other Moslems and non-Moslems infidel and heretic,' Hossninejad Pirkouhi added.
He said that beheading of peaceful political opponents, mass expulsion of Shia minority population from their homes, systematic anti-Shia campaign in the country, widespread destruction of homes
of Shia minority, choking people’s dream for democracy not only inside the country but also in the whole Persian Gulf region are only a few in Saudis’ human rights records.
Hossninejad Pirkouhi added that meanwhile, at the global level virtually major terrorist group from Al Qaeda and its offshoots in Syria to others in Africa, Europe and Asia- has been inspired by teaching coming from Saudi if not financed by their money as well.
He further said that by fulfilling the job of its mentors -US and Israel, Saudis cannot forever playing the “Iran card” to hide their abhorrent human rights records.
'On the issue of country visit, we would have welcomed the SR provided that we have had 192 SR for all Member States. This is how we do with UPR and how we see working with mandate holders,' Hossninejad Pirkouhi added.
'We also strongly challenge the argument SR made on validity of the sources she have used for her report.'
'We continue to believe that her mandate is counterproductive to the cause of HR in Iran. We regret that she finds herself in the middle of this political game that has nothing to do with human rights,' he added.
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