Speaking in a live Instagram meeting which was arranged by Iran-Italy joint chamber, Hamid Bayat elaborated on the level of the political relations between the two countries, the impact of sanctions and the outbreak of coronavirus on these ties, direct flights situation, the role of joint chambers in reinforcing trade ties and the role of economic relations in boosting political ties between Iran and Italy.
Despite US’ unilateral and illegal sanctions and reduction in trade volume, cooperation in various fields is still underway, he noted.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Bayat referred to the role of chambers of commerce in facilitating and reinforcing trade and industrial affairs, saying both chambers have been active.
Commenting on the impacts of coronavirus outbreak on Iran-Italy relations, he said it was evident in the transportation field and in stopping Iranian trucks at the Turkish border.
In response to a question on Iranian students’ problems in Italy, time of reopening Italian universities, and visa issuance problems, Bayat said thanks to quarantine policies in Italy, most of the academic and executive centers were closed.
He added that the Iranian mission had also suspended consular activities.
He went on to say that no instructions have so far been communicated by the government with regard to the start of new semesters.
The Iranian diplomat also advised those who applied for a student visa to pay attention to instructions mentioned on the website of the Iranian mission in Italy.
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